Yoga Teacher Training and Certification

This course is designed essentially to expand your knowledge of yoga and meditation (theory & practice) and is recommended not only for those who want to teach yoga, but also for those who want to learn more about yoga and enhance their yoga practice. The course is a 40-Hour teaching certification program through the Buckhead Yoga Room and Center for Healing and Spirituality. Eighteen of those 40 hours are based on your taking 2 sessions of yoga classes with Karen.
The western world is very ready to have good yoga teachers, and it’s very exciting to be a part of this movement toward greater health and well-being through yoga. In benefiting from yoga in our own individual yoga practice and then sharing it with others through teaching, we are doing our respective parts in helping to bring greater Peace and Harmony, Light and Love, Strength and Wisdom and Flexibility—Body / Mind / Emotion / Spirit—to this Earth.