Past Life Regression

Have you ever wondered if you have lived before, have you ever been curious as to other lives you might have lived, or wondered about the truth of reincarnation? If so, this class is for you.
Through the power of the imagination and in a meditative-like state, you will be guided to access a part of your soul’s history by traveling to “another time, another place, another you.” Following each past life regression, those in the class who choose to do so will have the opportunity to share what they discovered.
Bring two blankets and a pillow, and come prepared to journey inward as part of your commitment, as Socrates said, to “Know Thyself” as you continue on your spiritual path and awareness through the discovery of past lives. For best results, it is recommended to avoid stimulants (caffeine, spicy food, etc.) and depressants several hours before the class. Suggested reading: Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss with whom Karen received part of her training. She’s also studied past life regressions and was trained as a Past Life Regression facilitator at Delphi University.