Psychic Readings
Karen’s spiritual path expanded in 1976 with her first psychic reading, and she learned to read the Tarot this same year. For nearly 40 years, she has read at numerous psychic fairs and several national Body/Mind/Spirit Expos. She sees card readings with Tarot, Runes, Cartouche, Angel Cards, and Medicine cards as an incredible diagnostic tool for tuning in to assist the client with whatever issue and area of life she is guided to see. Karen begins each session with a prayer for help and healing and asks always to work “within Divine will and for the highest good of all souls concerned.” In the 1980′s, Karen began teaching others to read the symbols and continues to offer classes and certification in learning how to read the Tarot and other cards. Many of her Tarot graduates today are successful readers available for both private readings and at psychic fairs.
When asked why cards “work” as a psychic tool, Karen answers that the Tarot pictures “…stir the deep recesses of the unconscious to bring about greater awareness and the heightening of one’s psychic consciousness and sensitivity.” Synchronicity, as Jung defines it, is the descriptive term for the link between two events that are connected through their meaning, a link that cannot be explained by cause and effect. “Meaningful coincidence,” then, is what happens when the cards are laid out: synchronistically, it is often a snapshot of the moment giving insight into the present, past, and future and is recognized as such by the Tarot adept.
Classes Karen has offered in this area
- Learning How to Read the Tarot Symbols (certification included
through the Center of Healing and Spiritual Awareness, an
18-hour course) - Archetypes and Symbology: Learning to Read the Tarot, Runes, Angel,
Cartouche, or Medicine (Animal) Cards