Dede Yow, Ph.D.
Karen is an inspired teacher and healer. Holding a Ph.D. in English literature, she taught college English for twenty-five years and during that time continued her education in yoga, the tarot, and healing through the energy body. Astute and intuitive in reading symbols in the tarot cards and Native American medicine cards and Angel cards, Karen brings her learning and wisdom to healing mind and body. Karen’s method is gentle and her results are amazing in the physical and metaphysical fields. A yoga practitioner and teacher for 40 years now, Karen understands how strength and flexibility bring vitality to mind and body. A teacher of metaphysics, she combines intellect and intuition to instruct and assist in healing. I have taken yoga classes with Karen since 1984 and I continue to study metaphysics with her in tarot reading workshops and in angel classes. I have experienced healings on the physical, mental, and spiritual level with Karen. She works always in light and love. When one enters her presence, the love envelops; after a session with her (yoga, a reading, or healing session), one discovers a calm and a peace to carry into life. Karen’s connection with the heavenly spheres is enhanced by her talent as a musician. She is an accomplished pianist, and the melodies resonate from her body and soul. I first met Karen in 1982. She is still my teacher and my inspiration. I am certain that anyone who comes to Karen to learn and to heal will be rewarded. What a blessing to have her with us as a healer and a teacher.