Website launch!
Thanks to my fantastic website designer and developer Teresa Rosche Ott of the simpler web and to my exceptional copy editor Dede Yow, Ph.D., RYT 500, PYT, my website was launched early morning of April 1, 2014. Besides my gratitude to Teresa and to Dede for their extraordinary expertise, I also want to thank portrait photographer Aryc W. Mosher for the 2 formal photographs he made of me in 2010, Laura T. Sievers for taking many of the yoga pictures in 2103 that appear on my website, and my husband and members of my family for taking the aerial yoga pictures and “yoga train” in 2014. Finally, I extend heartfelt gratitude to my students, teachers, clients, colleagues, and friends for their support and encouragement over the many months of the website’s creation, and my gratitude, too, to those who have so kindly and generously written testimonials.